If you’re one of my Success Hotline callers and if you’re a loyal reader of this blog, I know one thing about you.
All of you have something in common --
I don’t know what level you’re on right now – you might be a rank beginner or a certified master – but I do know you want to get to the next level.
You have that burning desire to improve.
You’re not content with the status quo.
People who get to the next level also take their craft to the next level.
Babe Ruth took baseball to the next level.
Elvis took rock and roll to the next level.
Shakespeare took writing to the next level.
Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Walt Disney also took it to the next level.
Tiger Woods is currently taking golf to the next level.
Michael Moschen has taken juggling to the next level.
Who’s Michael Moschen???
Watch this . . .