Wednesday, September 12, 2007

MESSAGE #163 - "THE WORD IS . . . "

If you could choose only one word to express the character trait you value most, what would that word be?

During a 1998 commencement address at Emory University, United States Senator Sam Nunn told the following story:

During the Korean War, General William Dean was captured by the communists, taken to an isolated prison camp, and told that he had only a few minutes to write a letter to his family before his execution.

“Tell our son, Bill,” he wrote to his wife, “the word is ‘integrity.’”


“My father was very strong. I don’t agree with a lot of the ways he brought me up. I don’t agree with a lot of his values, but he did have a lot of integrity, and if he told us not to do something, he didn’t do it either.” – Madonna

Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not. – Oprah

“It’s not what we eat but what we digest that makes us strong; not what we gain but what we save that makes us rich; not what we read but what we remember that makes us learned; and not what we profess but what we practice that gives us integrity.”

– Francis Bacon, Sr.


In the city of Baghdad lived Hakeem, the Wise One, and many people went to him for counsel, which he gave freely to all, asking for nothing in return.

There came to him a young man, who had spent much but got little, and said, “Tell me, Wise One, what shall I do to receive the most for that which I spend?”

Hakeem answered, “A thing that is bought or sold has no value unless it contains that which cannot be bought or sold. Look for The Priceless Ingredient.”

“But, what is The Priceless Ingredient?” asked the young man.

Spoke the Wise One, “My son, The Priceless Ingredient of every product in the marketplace is the HONOR and INTEGRITY of him who makes it. Consider his name before you buy.”

-- from a 1921 advertisement for Squibb