Sunday, December 23, 2007


This story comes from the book Reading out Loud by Terry Pierce . . .

Actor Charles Laughton was attending a Christmas party with a large family in London.

Well into the evening, the host decided that the guests should each read or recite a favorite passage that reminded them most of the spirit of Christmas.

Laughton’s turn came near the end and he recited, in his beautifully trained voice, “The 23rd Psalm.”

Everyone applauded his effort and the process continued.

Within a few minutes, everyone had participated except one elderly aunt, who had dozed off in a corner of the room.

The family gently woke her up and explained what was going on and asked her to take part.

She thought for a moment and then began in a shaky voice, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”

The room hushed as she continued, and when she finished, tears were streaming down every face.

Upon leaving, one of the younger members of the family thanked Laughton for coming and remarked on the difference and the response of the family to the two recitations of “The 23rd Psalm.” In one case appreciation; in the other, deep connection and involvement.

“How do you account for it?” asked the young man.

Laughton remarked simply, “You see, I know the psalm, but your aunt knows the Shephard.”