Sunday, August 26, 2007



There is a big difference between being interested in achieving a special goal and being committed to it.

Committed people stick to their agreements.

People merely interested in a goal have some reason for not achieving it -- the time’s not right or the plan was not good to begin with.

The sales rep who merely hopes for improved sales, the factory foreman who only tries to increase production are defeated before they begin.

But for people who have made the decision to achieve – the commitment to achieve – there are no such things as mumbled excuses.

Their goals are finessed and single-mindedly pursued.

If you really want to get something done, decide to do it, and commit to your commitment.

And your objectives will soon become your accomplishments.

-- Dr. Ken Blanchard, author and speaker

* * * * *

Once upon a time there was a chicken and a pig who were very good friends.

They lived in a town that had a great deal of poverty. Many residents rarely ate three meals a day.

The compassionate chicken wanted to help these people, so one day she approached her good friend the pig and said, “I have an idea how you and I could help these poor people get a great breakfast.”

“What could we do?” questioned the pig.

“Well, I could give the eggs I lay and you could make some of your big body into ham so that we could give the people a great ham and eggs breakfast,” the chicken explained.

“I understand your concern,” answered the wise pig, “but what is just a donation for you is a total commitment for me!”

-- from Gilbert on Greatness by you know who

P.S. N.M.W. = No Matter What