Tuesday, November 27, 2007


The recurrent themes of this blog are:

You have all the ABILITY -- all you are lacking is the strategy.

Blame no one.
Expect nothing.
Do something.

H.O.P.E. = Hold On Possibilities Exist

You’re not lacking ability -- you’re blocking it.
Once you unblock it you unleash it!

Everything you need is already inside of you. ”It’s in Every One of Us.”

Will beats skill.

Diligence beats intelligence.

Passion bests everything.

Hang on until you catch on.

There’s a big difference between saying, “I can’t do it,” and I can’t do it yet.”

Fake it until you feel it.

Nothing is too good to be true.

Of all the major motion pictures, which movie embodies the themes of this blog???

It’s a Beautiful Life?
The Prestige?
Dead Poet’s Society?
Lorenzo’s Oil?
Chariots of Fire?

The winner is . . . "THE ENVELOPE PLEASE.”

AND THE WINNER IS . . . . . . . . . .

Click here