“A light heart lives long.” – Shakespeare
“He who laughs, lasts.” – Mary Pettibone Poole
I love this article. A big THANK YOU to ED SMITH for sharing it.
New York Times
March 6, 2008
Life’s Work
Putting Some Fun Back Into 9 to 5
WORK, in its most traditional sense, is the antithesis of fun. As my grandmother used to say, when I complained about a boss or a deadline, “There’s a reason they call it work.”
Grandma would be beyond surprised at what Adrian Gostick and Scott Christopher have to say in “The Levity Effect: Why It Pays to Lighten Up” (Wiley). The book, which is to be released later this month, examines how fun in the office increases the bottom line. And they are very serious about that.
“If they’re busting a gut,” said Mr. Christopher, a comedian and humor columnist for Human Capital magazine, they’ll bust their bottoms.
“When they’re laughing, they’re listening,” said Mr. Gostick, an author and consultant on employee motivation.
The two chuckle as they throw out favorite arguments:
Being fun gets you hired! A study of 737 chief executives of major corporations found that 98 percent would hire an applicant with a good sense of humor over one who seemed to lack one.
Having fun makes people loyal! According to a survey of 1,000 workers conducted for the authors by the research firm Ipsos, employees who laugh at work tend to stay. Those who rated their manager’s sense of humor “above average” also said there was a 90 percent chance they would stay in their job for more than a year. If they worked for a boss whose sense of humor they describe as “average” or below, the employee’s chances of staying dropped to 77 percent.
Amusing people go far! According to a study in the Harvard Business Review, executives described by co-workers as having a good sense of humor “climb the corporate ladder more quickly, and earn more money than their peers.”
A good laugh is good for your health! A study from the University of Maryland showed that while stress decreased blood flow, humor increased it.
By 22 percent.
Point taken. Laughter is beneficial. And potentially good for business. But isn’t that knowledge its own form of stress? I mean, what if you aren’t funny?
Don’t we have enough to worry about at a job interview without adding “ability to do stand-up” to the list —humor is so subjective, and so potentially deflating when it falls flat. And don’t bosses have enough to handle, what with this slumping economy, without being expected to rally the troops by making them laugh? There are quite a few smart and industrious folk out there who have no business (in either sense of the word) getting up at the front of the office and doing a comedy routine.
Not to worry, Mr. Gostick said. “We define levity as more of a lightness, more being fun than being funny,” he said. “Great leaders have a way of bringing lightness into the workplace.”
“The boss is not necessarily the humor giver,” added Mr. Christopher (the two tend to take turns talking in interviews), “as much as the humor enabler, or, at least, the humor tolerator.”
In recent years, a growing number of companies have strived to have “lighthearted” workplaces, Mr. Gostick said.
Bain & Company, the business consulting firm, does that by gathering more than 400 employees from around the world for the annual Bain World Cup soccer tournament. Lego America, which manufactures toys, encourages employees to travel the company campus via scooter. Google holds roller-hockey games in the parking lot twice a week, has ongoing Scrabble tournaments throughout the day and boasts a baby grand in the break room. In contrast, the Whole Foods break room has a far-less-grand chalkboard on which workers are urged to doodle.
Some companies actually put a group or an individual in charge of planning the levity.
At the advertising agency iris North America it’s called “the Smile Squad,” said Stewart Shanley, a founder. The squad, which is overseen by the Head of People (human resources at other companies) has its own logo and budget and is responsible for “general well-being and serendipitous happenings” at the 475-employee agency, Mr. Shanley said.
“Keeping people happy is what makes them perform,” he said. “The trick about running a successful business is to attract talent, and then this is the part people seem to forget, to manage and retain that talent. That’s what the squads are for.”
The Smile Squad often teams up with the Sports Squad, which sees that everyone gets some exercise, and the Lash Squad, which, Mr. Shanley explained, “takes people out and gets them merrily drunk once in a while.”
Whoa. Company-sanctioned drinking? Might that not make some people uncomfortable? What about recovering alcoholics? What about those whose religion or health prohibit alcohol? What about those with malt and hops allergies?
“There’s a time and a place,” Mr. Christopher said. “Levity doesn’t mean a lack of sensitivity.”
But one person’s sensitivity is another’s wet blanket, and one person’s idea of funny is another’s grounds for a lawsuit. Just as some companies seem to be getting it right, recent history is also rife with examples of bosses who missed the mark.
A study out of Japan last month, for instance, explored the physical and emotional damage experienced by women working retail jobs who are required to smile continuously. They are sometimes trained by a “smile consultant” who urges wider, brighter and more teeth.
Dr. Makoto Natsume, a psychiatrist at Osaka University, has identified what he calls “smile mask syndrome” and argues that it causes women to suppress their real emotions, leading to depression, muscle pain and repetitive-stress injury of the face.
In other words, enforced levity can make you sick.
And then there is Dr. Robert Woo, an oral surgeon of Auburn, Wash., who replaced two of his dental assistant’s teeth with implants. The woman’s family, as it happened, raised potbellied pigs, and she often talked about them with co-workers in the office.
While the patient was under anesthesia for the implants, Dr. Woo played a practical joke of sorts. He installed two bridges, which he had designed to look like boar tusks (which Dr. Woo must have thought were similar to potbellied pig tusks), and then took pictures of his sedated employee. By the time she awoke, proper new teeth were in place.
But the assistant learned what had happened when the photos surfaced at an office party.
She quit and sued, then settled out of court for $250,000.